
Structs (AKA. Product types) respresent a type of data which stores a value that has labeled fields of specified types.


Structs are defined using the following syntax where T_i represents the type of the data stored by the field labeled by N_i:

define enum <NAME> {
    T_1 N_1;  
    T_n N_n; 

For example, a linked list of integers could be defined as follows:

define enum ListNode {
    int value; 
    (Unit + Box<ListNode>) next; 

Structs are then initialized using the syntax <NAME>::init(e_1 : T_1, ..., e_n : T_n) where e_i : T_i represents an expression e_i of type T_i whose value will be used to initialize the ith element in the struct. For example, the previous ListNode could be initialized as follows:

ListNode root := ListNode::init(1, Unit::init());
ListNode ele2 := ListNode::init(2, Unit::init()); 

Each field in the struct can then be accessed via the self.<FIELD NAME> notation. For example: := ele2; 


  • Size: Sum of the size of each element in the struct (padded as needed to have proper alignment)
  • Default Location: Stack
  • Default Modifiers: Non-linear